August 3, 2018

NEW Scripture Challenge

Adding this to my wall of challenges... if you'd like to play along, just join when you can. This is a just for fun and motivational challenge only. No winners, no prizes, ... for now, til' I find people that would like to sponsor these challenges. (Pls contact me if you'd like to sponsor!!). The scriptures for this month is shown on the flyer below. I will also post it on the sidebar of this blog. I will post a scripture reminder of the week on Mondays. Posting this now, so you can start preparing for your week, and if you'd like to participate, allowing you the time to pray and meditate on it. Create with your bible, journal, note book, planner or anything else that you have in mind. There is absolutely NO LIMITS!!!

Use hashtag #LCScriptureChallenges when posting your project(s). Looking forward in seeing what everyone creates. 


"Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within ME!!!" 
~Psalm 51:10~

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