January 6, 2022

My Melody Tissue

Aloha friends!! Today, I'm sharing with you a box of tissue that I found at Don Quijote Waipahu while visiting Oahu the most recent trip that I went back home. LOL!. When I first so it, I was like, "NO WAAAAAY!!!!", and there was a box that was opened there, so I peeked in and saw that it is the same My Melody design that I love so much. I just had to get it. They also had a box of Hello Kitty tissue, but I thought I would snag it the next time I go. Now some of my friends are saying they aren't gonna have it when I return. Boo! I will need to let my girlfriend know to pick it up for me, the next time they go there. I should've just grabbed it. But my thing is My Melody, and I adore her more than Hello Kitty, unless HK is in Pink! LOL!!! 

Anyways, I opened the box, and used 1 tissue... I wanted to see how 'soft' the tissue was... not as soft as Kleenex, but its soooo cute. It'll be an "ICE" item... you know, "In Case of Emergency" like if I cannot run to the bathroom fast enough to snag me toilet paper to blow my nose, or something like that. If you do decided to go to DQ, please don't buy all the Hello Kitty tissue. I wanna make sure to grab one for myself. Haha! Thank You, in advance!!!

Have a blessed day!!! Thanks for stopping by!!! 




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