$5 Each Rose or $25 for a Rose Bouquet of 5 Roses. It takes 5 bills (can be of any denomination) to make 1 rose. Therefore, total amount of funds given to me would be $5 for each rose requested, PLUS the amount of bills required to make each rose. Please go to the bank, and request CRISP bills, and contact me to coordinate pick up / delivery of funds. If you are not in a location that can meet personally, I can accept payments thru PAYPAL or CASH App. Completed roses will be shipped in a Large Priority Flat Rate Box. An add'l shipping rate of $17.95 will apply. However, if you are on the Island of Oahu, pick up place and time can be arranged. Typical turn around time is 1 week for 5 Roses. Please order 2-3 weeks PRIOR to when you need them.
To order please visit my online shop here: Little C's Creations Shop
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