July 8, 2017

Gifts From a Friend & Exciting News

Drooling here... have you heard of Fun Stamper's Journey??? I have heard about them about a year ago... didn't really phase me at first. Then my friend, Wini, brought it to my attention again. As I roamed through their online catalog, I drooled n' drooled. Also found out that a friend of mines was a Coach with this company. Say what???? I immediately contacted her, and she dropped these off for me to check out. It's last year's catalog and a stamp set I could play n' stamp with. Oh my!!! So excited...

Here is a stamp set that my girlfriend also gifted me with. It comes with a solid panel that the cling stamp can stick to. Easy storage!!!!!

These are a image of the stamps.... they already come pre-cut, and no extra rubber around it!!!! For me, this is a plus, cause can TRULY go from the box right to stamping my projects!! No hesistations!!! LOL!!!! 

This is a pic to show comparison of the size between SU! catalog n' FSJ's catalog.  I remember at one point SU! had thick catalogs too... but FSJ not only have items pertaining to stamping, it has all types of products, for mixed media and there is a section called "Journey Girl" which consists of girly charms n' necklaces.... yes, drool drool drool.... LOVE this company... :)))))

Now that you've seen all my pictures of this FSJ catalog n' stamp, do you know what the next step was for me to do, right???  Yes, I've signed up, and became a Fun Stamper's Journey Coach!!!! I'm so excited about this switch over, and can't wait to share with you all the fun details that they have.

If you'd like to see a catalog, you can easily view one by visiting my FSJ website at: www.funstampersjourney.com/jenyoung - come and explore, ohh n' ahh along with me!!!

Thanks for stopping by n' sharing with me in this exciting new journey!!!!

Your **NEW** Journey Coach Girl,

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