August 4, 2018

Day 4 "Camera"

Hey there... so for day 4, the theme of the Little C's Daily Challenge is "Camera". I just LOVE cute, and bright cameras. Found these adorable clipart on ETSY by Moonberry Digital Art. So excited because I'm looking forward to using them on my bible journaling and so many other projects.

These are all the cameras that came in this set:

Here are my projects....

I cut all the cameras on my Sizzix eClips2 Machine, using the eCal program. Everything that I used to create these cards were pieces in my scrap bins. :) So Happy I was able to use some of them.


"Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within ME!!!" 
~Psalm 51:10~

#LittleCsCreations808 #LCSDailyChallenges #SizzixeClips2 #eCal #Clipart #HandmadeCards #PaperCraftCreations #Camera

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