July 12, 2017

Fundraiser Tickets for Love and Light Ministries

Hey there stampers!!!! Still working on card orders that I've received, but in between, sometimes I need to take a break, and the Lord definitely knows when I need this break, and HE gives me another blessed opportunity to work on. This time is is fundraiser tickets for my bible study group. I've designed and printed 200 fundraiser tickets for our bible study group to sell plate lunches. Huli Huli Chicken plate $12 (which is SO ono, our neighbors own a Huli Huli Chicken business), Steak Plate $12, and a Combo Plate $15!! The fundraiser is to raise funds to help families to attend Camp Agape (the volunteers), so that they can be witnesses to those that are attending. I have added a video in the comment thread below about Camp Agape and how it is impacting our communities!!!

Camp Agape is a volunteer based camp, that is put on for children of parents that are incarcerated. Although the children's camp fees are fully paid for, it is the volunteer's fees that aren't. Some of these volunteers are entire families of 5 of 6 people. Yes, the ENTIRE family gets involved, from children of 8 years of age to adulthood, and each person needs to pay $200!!! So you can image the need for these volunteers to be "sponsored".

Therefore, our bible study group decided, well, let's pull together, and raise funds to be able to send out these families, essentially "missionaries" so that they are able to witness to those kids who so desperately need to see love, friendship, receive a hug, and someone to listen to their cries, their pains, and for our missionaries to be the Light of Jesus!!!!

If you feel so inclined to help with this fundraiser, please comment here and let me know how much tickets you wanna purchase. It would be such a blessing if you are able to help. If not that, please help by praying!!! Please pray that this fundraiser would be a success, and that the camp would be a success, and that hearts will be touched, and chains will be broken. There has been SO much outbreak in the pass Camp Agape events. The Lord continues to move during these missions, and many lives are turned towards Jesus. For those to see who Jesus is, and to understand that even tho' they've lived a hard knock life, and have been through pain and suffering, with Jesus in their lives, they are able to accomplish the impossible, to feel the impossible, and to KNOW that HE lives within each of them. It is a wonderful, beautiful sight to see this revelation come true in the lives of many!!!!

Here are the tickets I worked on. But to get a better idea of the impact of Camp Agape, please check out the video I've posted after this picture....

Here's the video....

Join us Labor Day weekend, September 2nd – 5th, for our 11th Camp Agape!
Click here to sign up as a volunteer.
Click here to sign up an angel for Camp Agape.

Thanks for visiting!!!! Have a blessed day!!!


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